Chris, however, is not joining us and is in the other room watching the football game. I'm pretty sure he isn't too fond of me at the moment. He's been working all weekend on the house and today on his work plans and has been patiently waiting to watch the Bronco's game that he tivo'd earlier today. For some reason, I thought it was necessary and great timing to pick a fight with this sweet man right as he was about to plop down on the couch for the evening. It went something like this:
Me - "How come you didn't ask if I wanted to watch the game with you? Didn't you miss me this weekend?"
Chris - "Do you want to watch the game with me?"
Me - Belabored sigh. "Well, it's not the same. I want you to want me to. And how come you didn't ask if I wanted something to drink when you got a beer? Are you mad?"
Chris - "Tiffany, can I get you a drink? Do you want a blanket?"
Me- "You don't have to say that now because I said something. I don't need anything. I can get it if I do. Don't you want to talk to me?"
Chris - "No. I don't want to argue and I want to watch the game."
Me - "You don't want to talk? I thought we could snuggle up together. You don't seem like you want to do that. I wish you missed me..."
Chris - "Well, come here then. I did miss you. Watch the game."
Me - No words. Just some "Hmphs" and some heavy sighing, clearly not satisfied with how this little argument (and by argument I clearly mean myself just feeling needy at the moment) is going.
And so I start cleaning up things around him - you know, just because that cup on the table next to him just has to be put away right now and the magazines seem to need straightening up at the moment. Still not satisfied. And so, realizing I will get no where with this, I have come in to the bedroom.
Oh why do we do this? I say we in the hopes that someone else can relate to these 'crazy girl' moments I am talking about.
I should realize that I have already done my fair share (and then some) of relaxing this weekend with my mom. We had such a nice time at the Four Seasons in Scottsdale and may I just add that I will gladly "check out" a property's new renovations any time!
Here are a few recent pictures that have not yet made it to the blog. Enjoy!
In the meantime, I may take a moment or two more of being stubborn before I go out and apologize to my wonderful husband who looks a little lonely on the couch.
Love, Tiff
H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S! I certainly can relate! "Don't you WANT to talk to me? I don't want you to just talk to me. I want you to WANT to talk to me!" That's how it goes with Brian and I! Sounds like you had a great, relaxing weekend in Scottsdale too- itsn't that place FABULOUS!? Alright. Well, I've just consumed a bottle of wine- how does that happen?? So, I will catch up with you tomorrow!
He looks like Kevin and his personality reminds me of Kevin sometimes. Looks like another Templeton!
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