

…the kids are napping at the same time!

My lack of posting has been a complicated mess of illness, lack of motivation and/or blog-worthy topics*, house renovation phone calls and emails and the most annoying of them all…the absence of any free time during the day.

I know it.  I've been spoiled.  I've been reminded of it several times by fellow moms and even felt a tinge (but just a tinge) of guilt every time my kids would fall asleep.  At the same time.  For 2-3 hours.  For the past seven-ish months.

Until today that statement was all but past tense as of about a month ago but perhaps, just maybe, the napping Gods are smiling down on me and granting me a few more months of peaceful afternoons.  Ohpleaseohplease, ohprettyplease.

Let's just say that I have had the "but you get to drive by yourself!" argument with Chris more than once this week and that this article has resonated more than usual with me.

Side note: if you are looking to take a step in your (lame statement alert!) faith journey but tend to challenge traditional views, I highly recommend Glennon Melton's book, Carry On Warrior.  Really good. 

But today?  Today I've worked out (Stroller Strides is still kicking my butt), showered (for longer than 30 seconds), dried my hair (gasp!), did laundry (lot's of vomit stained items from aforementioned illness') and heck...even painted my nails for the first time in weeks.

It's a good day.  And a good thing I posted when I did because look who just woke up…

It was pajama day at preschool.  She was thrilled to wear her footies and couldn't believe that "…even Ms. Robin and Ms. Lisa had jammies on!"

Oh and I musn't forget since it's not likely that a post will appear again before Sunday… GO BRONCOS!!  We're going to the Superbowl.  Heard of it?

*This one doesn't count :)

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