Would love if you too posted a comment about what you like about Chris so he can read later on :)
1. I love his taste in music. He has introduced me to some great bands and artists and we enjoy going to many concerts together.
2. I love how he is like my own encyclopedia! This man knows something (and usually a lot) about everything....Current news, history, people, dates, etc. It's amazing.
3. He restored an old car, had a motorcycle and can change my oil. Sexy.
4. He got me play tickets for Christmas - can we say well rounded?
5. He loves his nephews and niece and I can't resist him when he is holding them and playing games with them.
6. He plays the guitar
7. He loves his mom and grandma - a lot
8. I'm pretty sure he loves my mom too
9. The way he sighs really loud when he is annoyed
10. He hikes mountains, rides mountain bikes, camps, rafts, jumps off cliffs - and doesn't care if I don't
11. How he can somehow can get away with calling me "poopers" and it's cute. I have no idea where it came from, but it makes me laugh.
12. He tries all foods - fancy and not and loves unique restaurants as well as hole in the wall finds.
13. He writes to his Grandma
14. He lets me decorate the house and will hang pictures for me, change things around, move things - even if I change my mind every minute
15. I love the way he sits down on the bed every morning before he goes to work to give me a kiss and say goodbye to me
16. His sense of style. He can pull of seven jeans in a rugged way with a collared button down shirt and old school Nikes like no one else
17. How he graduated college with honors....and in high school slept through/didn't go to/acted like he didn't care in several classes - ha ha.
18. How he proposed to me when it was raining and had to sit through me crying, thinking, saying "no, we're too young", crying some more and then finally saying "yes!"
19. How he is more careful about our money then me and plans for our future
20. I love how hard of a worker he is. Not only in his career but every task he takes on
21. How he tells me I'm beautiful, even when I think differently
22. How he bought Kitters for me, but may love him just as much, if not more than I do :)
23. I love that how when he begins a story, I jump in and take over and usually finish it. At this he only gets slightly annoyed and generally lets me steal his thunder (I'm working on this one)
24. I love how modest he is - truly a virtue
25. And lastly, I love how Chris knows me so well but loves me so much anyways!
Happy Birthday Chris~
Happy Birthday to the best uncle ever... (heehee :) We love you so much and wish we could be there for your birthday today, but will definitely celebrate with you in a couple of days. I am so proud of you Chris! Hope 25 is a great year for you... Love,
Hey Chris! Happy 25th Birthday to you. We just sang to you on the phone...
Hmm. One of my favorite things about you is your mellow personality. I think it comes from being the 3rd kid, but you seem to enjoy anything that comes your way and embrace life in a laid-back way, while still going out to find adventure and new experiences whenever possible.
I can't wait for you and Tiff to come out and have some one-on-one time with Gabe, Ryan & I. We really enjoyed having you here! Hope this year is special...
Love, Leigh
Happy Birthday Chris! I am so proud of the man you are. Such a great son and husband. It has been pretty much fun being your mom. Thanks for spending time with us and enjoying my cooking.
I pray you will know the depth and height and breadth of the love of the Lord like never before this year. With much love, Mom
I love Chris because he makes AWESOME "Chris's Gourmet Chili!!" Haha... What would I do without it? Hope that you had a great birthday Chris- we'll have to celebrate again so that Brian and I can participate! Glad you guys had a great Christmas and New Year and hope to see you soon.
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