But if it were, I am sure that we could all imagine just how amazing it would feel to check that one off the list. I know that even after running a mile, I feel pretty psyched.
Yesterday, Chris completed his first marathon and I am so very proud of him. It was pretty incredible to watch such a race and seeing him cross the finish line literally brought tears to my eyes.
Logan and I committed our day yesterday to cheering on Dad!
We had a game plan of our own to shadow Chris throughout the race and by competing against all of the road closures and crowds, I felt like we ran a marathon of our own.

Our plan was to see him at the Start, Mile 4, Mile 7, Mile 9, Mile 17, Mile 20 and at the Finish...
Start - Success
Mile 4 - Success
Mile 7 - Missed him due to getting stopped and asked questions about our Bumbleride stroller (still loving it) and my poor judgment of time
Mile 9 - Success
Mile 17 - Missed due to a combination of a lost map, a Vanilla Latte, a dirty diaper and a browse through On a Lark in Wash Park. I thought I had plenty of time to spare until I was waiting patiently at mile marker 17 only to receive a text that he had passed the 19.7 mile mark. Ahh!
Mile 20 - Oddly, mile 20 was just a block away from mile 17 because they looped him through the park, so we ran over to catch him here (spilling my aforementioned Vanilla Latte all over Logan and myself - fear not, it had cooled). I panicked at this point and thought that if we missed him here, we would surely miss him at the finish. I still had to get downtown, fight traffic, road closures and find parking. We rushed to the car and away we went. I was already thinking of my excuse for not seeing him finish (I'm afraid poor Logan was going to be my innocent culprit, haha).
Finish - We made it in the nick of time and saw Chris breeze through the last few meters! Honestly, he looked so good to me at this point. He must have fooled me, however, because he said that at mile 25 he was truly thinking about stopping and walking the rest of the way. He was able to keep it together and finished his first marathon in 4 hours and 20 minutes while running the whole way. He is a Rock Star in my opinion, which is quite fitting for the Denver Rock and Roll Marathon. Better yet? I didn't even get a parking ticket even though I chose to blow off the money box (No Time!!!) Thank you!
Congrats Chris - we are so proud of you (and may or may not be just a little bit happy that you are done with training for a bit)!
Wow Chris! Good work. Tiff, it's not on my list either.
We need to do a Cork House visit soon. I told John we can't go without you guys.
Great job Chris!! Seriously thinking about the 26.2 after I complete my 13.1 next month! And good job for you keeping up with him, Tiff! Juggling baby and latte and parking meters is just about as daunting as the run itself :)
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