Ahh, and the cute pregnant girl in the pic? Pay no attention. Just one of my new found friends through random blogging (see 'Confession' post for further explanation). But, oh, her headboard. I adore. Sigh~

I would have never guessed I would be decorating our home in such a way. I thought I would be a Crate and Barrel gal all the way. I believe this style came about via the purchase of a 1940's home, coming to terms with my deep and true love for Antrhopology - but having just a Garage Sale budget and the itty bitty size of our bedrooms, kitchen, etc. It has led me to believe that Sir Crate and Barrell, while very rich and handsome, may not work so well for our space.
And so - my latest inspiration. I would love to tackle this project this weekend, but just not sure I'll get the "go ahead" from a certain someone.
Let's just say that my last "vintage-y" inspiration got the best of me when I insisted that we buy an old, "antique" chair with matching ottoman from a second hand store. Did I mention that it's also bright orange? Anyways, I thought it would be the perfect, compliment to our living room ensemble. Hmm....not so much. The chair lasted an hour and that's just because I had to fake my liking for my new purchase. It now sits in our garage and every time we pull in, I look at Chris and say, "I know. I'm sorry!!"
Until the next grand idea, have a great night...
1 comment:
Where did you ever find that first picture of the headboard with the candles on top? LOVE IT! I am going to look at Habitat Outlet Saturday, just for the heck of it- I want to check it out, so if you want to go look for a door let me know! Maybe if you buy a door I can buy your other headboard from you and use it for the guest bedroom at Brian's. I so should not be assisting him in his home decor, but $20, seriously, it would be well worth it!
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