
Gobble Gobble

I promise I have not turned into a middle aged, bitter woman. But really, this lady gets me every time:

Despite the sarcasim above, let me assure you that I am actually a tiny bit sad that I am not, nor have I ever, attempted to cook Thanksgiving dinner. I don't get to use our dishes or our big farm table or attempt a Martha Stewart-esque table scape, (or, better yet, a more funky and fun approach - someone must do one of these, pleeeaaase...then I can live through you!) for the turkey day fiesta.

With my parents and Chris's family here in town, we don't really stand a chance at hosting the large crowd. I'm sure that someday I will be longing for the days when my only responsibility was to bring a side dish, but something about cooking up the turkey day feast sounds like a rush. On second thought- cooking, a rush? Perhaps I just need some new hobbies, haha.

Regardless, I am super duper excited to make (and consume lots of) my Brussle Sprout side dish. That's right kids - brussle sprouts. Check out the recipe HERE and then tell me that they do not look simply amazing. We had them at our neighbors a few months back, and honestly, I went ape over them.

If you are one of the lucky ones who will have turkey as your leftovers for days to come, check out the November issue of Real Simple, or click HERE, for some great "day after" recipes.


Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Tiff and Chris!!

Amanda said...

Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving and have a nice long weekend! I can't wait to try out that brussel sprouts receipe- yes you heard "picky" me right. They are indeed one of my favorite vegetables, ranking right after cauliflower and broccoli!

Kara said...

They do look amazing!! How did they taste?