
Freaking Out

My friend sent me a message this morning reminding me that I am 4 weeks (AKK!) from my due date and wondered if I was freaking out. I had to reply telling her that freaking out would be an understatement at this point.

I mean, you take any type-A personality and put her face to face with a big - scratch that- make that, HUGE monumental event, and you are bound to get a girl who no longer has any control. Keep in mind that to her, loss of control might as well be classified under other such horrible things such as slitting her wrists, dying a slow death or finding out that Target is going out of business (I can think of few worse things).

She goes into list-making overdrive. She is crying because she can't get the windows clean. She is frantically trying to figure out how to swaddle a stuffed toy. She hears a screaming child in the store and realizes she may not even like babies. She can't remember where she put her keys, her phone or her mind for that matter. She shows up on the wrong day for a doctor's appointment. She tries to fit in dinner with each one of her long standing girlfriends as a "last hoorah" before having to wave a rattle, clean up spit-up and ask the waiter to heat up a bottle during her future dining experiences. She dusts. She vacuums. She tries to avoid her husband per his request. She wonders why in the heck she has decided to try natural childbirth. She insists on staying calm and enjoying the last few weeks. She is failing miserably.


So, there you have it. I am a bit pre-occupied these days. I have a lot on my mind and even more in my heart. I am so very excited, I can't even begin to tell you. But I would be lying if I said that I was not freaking out.

As for Chris? He's just fine. Holding it together like a champ. Concerned about very little. Looks at my to-do lists and says it will all work out. Talks to the baby every night. Doesn't seem to mind that our lives our about to be forever changed. Manages to put up with me. Even still loves me (okay, I am speaking for him at this point). It's this type of personality that makes the rest of us look bad. Freakish, really. But, I suppose it's a good thing he is the way he is or our entire household would be classified as mentally unstable...

That's all for now - just a little update. Blogging has been far down on my to-do list as of late, but lucky for you (or not so lucky if you are sick of baby), we have finished the nursery and hope to put up some pictures this week!

Cheers from one crazed Mama~

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