
A Healthy Baby

That's all you get for now :)

We are having a little gender reveal party tomorrow evening, so I thought I would take a few pictures and share them here for a "blog-version" gender reveal!  I'm mean like that.   And for the record, he or she did not like the idea of being exposed.  Baby spent most of the ultrasound with legs crossed and curled up in a ball, so even we had to wait a good while for the news.

I just wanted to share that our baby looks great and is rocking and rolling in there - go figure - but due to my anterior placenta (I had a hunch), I feel virtually no movement.

Thank you for your calls and texts these past few days.  The love was felt.

Any guesses for pink or blue?


Kate said...

Yay Healthy Baby! My guesses are constantly wrong, but I say more pink!

leslie said...

I'm going girl too.......Although most people I know due early next year are having boys. Anxious to hear and happy for you that your mind is at ease now that you know all is well in there:)

Amanda Schaumburger said...

Wait, so you already know and aren't waiting to bite into a cupcake or cut a cake tomorrow, with all of us? So excited for you and can't wait to find out. EVERYONE I know is having/has recently had girls, so I'm going with pink. Can't wait for the fun.

Kendall said...

For some reason I'm guessing pink too ! Can't wait to hear!

Kara said...

A healthy baby is the best news ever!! Congratulations! To make it official though, I will guess girl :)

Jessica said...

Yeah Tiffany! I'm so happy to hear healthy baby news, and I can't wait to hear boy or girl!

Jeff and Emily said...

Boy!!! :)