

Holy moly.

It's been one non-stop celebration around here since Christmas and I am wiped out.

We just returned home from 5 nights in Steamboat where we relaxed with our family and friends and celebrated the "Old Man's" - I have taken a liking to calling him this, heheh - 30th birthday.

And while I would like to document it here, one thing I am very GOOD at is "disconnecting" from my phone and social media while I am away.  Which also means that I am very BAD at taking photos.  Specifically said photos from this vacation.

Seriously.  I have like, two.  And they're of Elk.  Very beautiful Elk mind you, but I wouldn't blame you for questioning our entire time in the Mountains given the fact that I did not snap one photo of any member of our family.  Oh the shame...

So let's just move on to a post that I had started nearly ten days ago and call it all a wash, shall we?


This little peanut is 10 months old today.

Biased to be sure, but Weston is hands down the cutest baby around.  We love him to pieces and he's the perfect addition to this family.  Even Logan likes him most of the time...

At ten months, Weston likes:
- Baths
- Being "chased"
- Having his hair combed
- Dogs 
- Babbling
- Squeeling
- Clapping
- Music
- White noise (still)
- Stuffed animals
- My phone
- My keys 
- Crawling under chairs
- Making clicking noises with his tounge
- Running in the stroller
- Balls
- Peas
- Logan's toys.  Logan on the other hand very much dislikes this...
- His sister.  LOVES his sister.

He dislikes:
- Having his diaper and / or his clothes changed
- The vacuum cleaner
- Wearing hats
- Getting stuck under chairs (see above)
- Avocados

As of December 10th, he is an official crawler and on the first of the year, he became able to cheer himself on by clapping :)

Lucky for me (and you), I have them both on video.  I could die at Logan's reaction to Weston crawling.  Precious.

Weston was sweet enough to hold off on crawling until the night I returned home from a work trip. Thus (partially) the reason I am so enthused :)  Nowadays he is a speed demon around the house and if I take my eyes off for more than a minute, he has surely escaped.  Baby gates and locks are in full force around here.  Also, Logan is indeed wearing a nightgown with tights. Her "uniform" the entire time I was away, ha!

Yay Weston!

Love you to pieces my boy.

1 comment:

Amanda Schaumburger said...

I'll forgive you for no awesome Steamboat shots, but only because those videos are so stinking adorable! So cute!