

This happened:
We packed up our old home...
and moved into our new one.
Which means save for a few details, this project is finally complete!!

Meanwhile, we've listened to the people (our 40+ showing feedback forms)

and have added a fenced yard to 1600.

But still no offers :(
I received carpel tunnel release surgery (along with a hefty dose of drugs) last Thursday and am trying my best to keep up with this guy who has decided that it would be an excellent time to start walking...

And along with his sister (who can't seem to keep clothes on these days), they've been a dynamic duo around here.
All that to say, not sure I when I will be back to regular blogging (but hoping this is a start)!




Amanda Schaumburger said...

Walking! He's so stinking cute. Have to get together with you guys in May, before we head to MI for a month, June 10-July 10. Miss you and hope the hand is coming along well.

Kate said...

Ouch! Carpal Tunnel!

Hoping your old abode sells soon! I've loved seeing the new digs' transformation!